Israel, Gaza, and "Behind the Curtain."
Israel and the Gaza Strip have been in conflict since 1948 , when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias, during the 1948 Palestine War. This blog is meant to inform and provide thoughtful insight to help you understand how corrupt the Israeli far right government is, and how history repeats itself with desperate times calling for desperate measures. Gaza has been occupied by Israel since 1967, the protocol for dealing with Gaza has always been: to restrict their food supply, restrict their rights, restrict their access to inbound and outbound trade, and restrict non-Israeli news outlets' access to Gaza. Israel has constantly murdered people wearing clothes stating they are part of the news, but nonetheless, they get shot and killed as seen in this list to give a few examples. If this doesn't show anti-free-speech ideologies from Israel then I must not be real. Date...