Israel, Gaza, and "Behind the Curtain."
Israel and the Gaza Strip have been in conflict since 1948, when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias, during the 1948 Palestine War. This blog is meant to inform and provide thoughtful insight to help you understand how corrupt the Israeli far right government is, and how history repeats itself with desperate times calling for desperate measures.
Gaza has been occupied by Israel since 1967, the protocol for dealing with Gaza has always been: to restrict their food supply, restrict their rights, restrict their access to inbound and outbound trade, and restrict non-Israeli news outlets' access to Gaza.
Israel has constantly murdered people wearing clothes stating they are part of the news, but nonetheless, they get shot and killed as seen in this list to give a few examples.
If this doesn't show anti-free-speech ideologies from Israel then I must not be real.
I encourage you to check out the Wikipedia link and view the sources individually.
A great Palestinian journalist who spoke out for her people was also shot by a sniper and when Palestinians went to take her casket out to the streets, you can see how brutally the civilians are treated by the IDF.
The statistics of deaths and injuries before the current conflict show how much damage the Israeli government caused, and vise versa. #MostMoralArmy
Israel "warns" before they strike a trapped nation, not to mention the warning being a shot fired 15 minutes before the full barrage. You can see two short videos filmed by a jounalist currently in Gaza here. Keep in mind that Gaza is 150 square miles with a population of 2 million, therefore the damages shown will be immensely greater day by day because of the density of the population.
Ben Gvir, the person set in charge of overseeing the Gaza apartheid has been convicted of supporting an Israeli right-wing radical group called Kach, including being openly racist towards Arabs, openly being a provocateur, and evicting Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.
In a recent statement, Ofer Cassif stated, "The Israeli government, which is a fascist government, supports, encourages, and leads pogroms against the Palestinians. There is an ethnic cleansing going on. It was obvious the writing was on the wall, written in the blood of the Palestinians – and unfortunately now Israelis as well."
The responses, statements, and apartheid display how Israel has created a "Holocaust." Shooting peaceful protesters, segregating them in an "Open Air Prison", treating them as human animals(though both parties look identical), inferior, and denying them basic human rights. Electricity being shut off is causing hospitals to shut down, and no way for water purification, which is necessary, because the Israeli Army has covered their only freshwater sources with cement.
What have Palestinians done? Seriously. They lived their lives hoping for equal international law and a chance at rights like other Israelites, but instead, they get locked into a 150 square-mile concentration camp.
Hamas is not Palestine, they are a radical conservative independent group with the general goal of freeing Palestine. Israel is a government choosing to treat Palestinian civilians like cattle and bomb all of Gaza with the hopes of somehow killing Hamas, who are not the government of Palestine.The Palestinians would prefer to have other liberators, but Hamas is all they have, so that is who they look up to for liberation. Hamas does many criminal things, they commit egregious acts, and we must be against those acts, but when a nation has gone through things that they have, this response is a part of our human nature. This war, if it were to be compared to a situation we had in the US, it would be like the Days of Martin Luther King Jr. There were some who passivly tried to fix the racial issues, and there were some who fought using aggression The forefathers of the United States of America were in a similar position, though not as bad since they weren't getting "mowed down" with bombs like in Gaza. If one can condone our nation's past want for independence, but not the Palestinians' want for it, the issue lies beyond logic, and truly lies in either misinformation or racism.
Israel is an evil state, as expressed by many citizens. Our only hope for peace, is for there to be a majority of leaders in Israel that realize the crimes they have committed are egregious, and work towards mending relationships with Palestine, and integrating them into Israeli society.
For any questions or requests leave a comment and I will see if I can do anything to help :)
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